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What do you do when the wait doesn't promise to bring with its end a happy ending? What if the wait leads to stinging disappointment, loss or even more waiting?

I want to know - will the wait be worth it?

In this season of waiting - of winter - God has been tenderly revealing more of Himself to me. Its been a slow process (years, actually), and not without pain. I'm learning that in order for Him to make way for growth, there's a lot of me that needs to die off first.

In winter, as we make our way to church on Sunday mornings, we pass farmers' fields buried under a blanket of snow. On the surface, it looks as though nothing good or productive is happening. At times, it can even look harsh. But for the farmer, there is purpose in winter. Deep below the surface, the soil is being readied for harvest.

My solace in winter is knowing that God knows our end from our very beginning. I can trust Him in winter because I know He has a plan - this is not wasted time. I want to yield myself to Him so through this season of winter, God will accomplish in me all that He intended. Though winter can feel harsh, lonely and sometimes like it will never end, I know He is preparing me for what's ahead. Even when I cannot see any progress and it seems as though God's hand is invisible, I know I am not forgotten in winter. He wants to continue growing me by ensuring my soil is prepared and ready for seed to lay down deep roots so that it can withstand and ultimately yield its intended purpose. I want to be ready and worthy of the seed. While I may not see it, winter produces.

As past seasons of waiting have come and gone, this I know for sure: no matter what is on the other side of your wait, God is sovereign. No matter how long winter can drag on or however harsh the elements, He is faithful to see you through.

And so, as the wait continues, I can shift my focus beyond what I see on the surface, even when it looks like nothing is happening, knowing there is purpose in winter and that my God is, in all things, faithful.

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